By Sandi Hunter
To be a successful online marketer, liken yourself to being a dog chewing on a bone. That means gnarling away hungrily to post and promote every day - or at least as often as you can. You can't expect to make sales if you don't constantly gnaw on that bone called promotion. We teach you all about promotion in George Kosch's online and LIVE weekly bootcamp training sessions.
Promotion, and the need for constant promotion is the one thing that many new marketers take along time to fully grasp. Many underestimate how much promotion you must do to see results and give up far too soon.
Grow a thick-skin.
When you contact people (people who've actually ASKED for the information) you're going to hear things like "GET ME OFF THIS LIST" or " I never asked for this information" or "how did you get my email address/phone number!" Learn now to convert the negative energy of rejection into the positive energy of moving forward. Move on to the next person, lead or prospect. The Internet is a massive place, if this person isn't interested in your offer the next person is waiting. The more you post, the more you promote, the more you connect with people, the MORE sales you make. Be nice, build relationships with people and you will gain lifetime customers. If you can't do that or don't want to do that you will never make it as a successful marketer.
You've got to have instant access to products and services that are of real value, products that are in demand, new services that people need and want - NOW! You can't be wasting time on looking for what to sell, what's hot, you've got to be able to call up your product list and press SEND on the promotion materials. Not sure how to do that? That's what we offer our Worldprofit Members, instant access to in-demand products/services and the marketing materials to promote them. It's all in your Member area, the Clickbank Promo Kit, the Money Makers Kit, the Fast Cash Products, the PLR Store, the 20+ Income Streams and of course Worldprofit services too.
Understand why and how building a list is so critical to your business growth and cements your long term sales objectives. Your products and services may change, your offers may change but your list is a targeted buyers list that must be grown and cared for with the utmost of your attention. George Kosch talks about this in the bootcamp training. You may very well have found Worldprofit by being on one of our marketing lists. Now we teach you how to build YOUR list so you are a seller not a responder ending up on someone else's list!
You need access to a goody bag of offers - really good offers. Really cool things you can add QUICKLY to your offer that have a real value to entice people to take action today, not next week. Worldprofit Members you have this in your Offer Builder, in your Goody Bag, and more - it's all in your Worldprofit Member area. Offers are what gets people sniffing around and is what helps close sales. You, me, everyone likes a deal - offers are the icing on the cake!
Employ a never-give up attitude. If you're the kind of person who goes hard for a few days then peters out losing interest, then online marketing is not for you. You've got to be prepared to promote as often as you eat. When you are hungry you seek out food, when you want to make money online you must promote. Ask yourself, are you really committed? If you are that means investing the time, and effort into learning and DOING the tasks required, failing, making mistakes then continuing toward your goal.
Eliminate or at least filter out the negative people in your life. You know who they are, the ones that tell you it will never work. They say you are crazy to spend so much time online. The people who are telling you all the reasons why you can't do it, while you yourself are actually doing it. Don't be smug though, when you start getting results, simply smile and give yourself a pat on the back. You are one of the truly unique, you think, you do, you tune out the negative and simply focus on your goal.
Be realistic. Don't start promoting online thinking you are going to get rich overnight, or even in a few weeks or months. Put on a "HYPE FILTER" to filter out all the bunk, promises and fake pitches you hear and see. Believe only that with hard work and consistent effort you will get results. Believe in yourself to build your own success not in the pitches that making money online is easy or instant.
Set realistic goals for your earnings, and be prepared to grow your business over time. Build your online resources, build your lead list, build your customer list, grow your profits by nurturing your business. Your business is a tender green shoot, care for it daily and you will have an oak tree some day. Forget to water, overwater, walk away for too long and you will be left with a dead twig.
Get help. You're not going to do this alone, nor should you. Find online marketers, online communities, facebook groups, mentors, like-minded people who think like you do. Network, share, support, give and get back. Worldprofit's home business community is made up of real people from all walks of life and experiences from all over the world with the same goal as you - improving their financial situation for self and family by learning how to earn at home using the resources of the web along with the security blanket of Worldprofit's training and support.
Be willing to learn and commit to applying what you learn. Being a successful online marketer is really no different than being a lawyer, plumber, pilot, truck driver in that you have to learn and MASTER specific skills. Apply those skills consistently, evaluate your progress, try harder, work harder to get the results. Don't think for one minute that this is easy or that you will instantly "get it". If you don't want to learn, won't take the time, and have no patience, find something else. Internet marketing is not for you.
Benefit from having a system, one that incorporates easy access to hot products, ads, services you can sell, reputable places to promote, coaching and training and ongoing support. You can build your business with one single hammer, or better yet, you can assemble an organized team of people, equipment and support services to accomplish the same thing faster and more efficiently. Worldprofit offers our Members the system to build your online business. The place online where you earn consistent income. Worldprofit is your one-stop-shop for all the elements of your system; the website, trafffic, software, lead sources, advertising resources, training, support, mentorship, and income programs from a number of reliable trusted sources. We don't just give you the hammer to build your business, we give you the whole tool kit, a blueprint to build it, and the support and help you need to expand it for years to come.
Ask yourself how much time you are going to commit to building your online marketing business. If your answer is an hour a day fine, set a goal, stick with it. If it's 4 hours a day, stick with it. Be sure to adjust your sales goals based on the amount of time you work your business. The more time you put into it the more you get back.
Take responsiblity yourself and your success (or lack of). No single product or guru is going to be your secret success solution, the one answer to your financial dreams. The only person who is going to make it happen and DO what needs to be done to achieve it - is YOU.
Have an open-mind. Online marketing is not taught in school, you are an entrepreneur and thus made of a unique kind of tenacity and grit. Successful entrepreneurs don't give up, they don't know it all, they seek solutions, make mistakes, they get up and try again. Be a DOer not an analyst, not a deep thinker, but someone who rolls up their sleeves digs in, gets dirty and insists on results.
I've been in the online home business industry for over twenty years as a business owner, a coach, and a marketer. I've seen it all. People come in, happy, eager, determined. Some last a few days, some a few months. Then you get down to a very small percentage of people, the truly determined, the people I have worked with for years. The one common trait the winners, the non-quitters all have is - are you ready for this?
RESILIENCE. These people weren't the top of their class, they weren't the bottom, they are average people who have the ability to recover quickly from difficulties, from a tough life, from a path full of bumps and obstacles. Who among us doesn't have "stuff" in our lives, problems, distractions that keep us from achieving our goals. The difference is how you recover from life's challenges and go on.
Here's the actual definition of RESILIENCE from Merriam Webster:
: the ability to become strong, healthy, or successful again after something bad happens
: an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change
If you are a resilient, one of those strong, determined people who never gives up I devote this article to you.
It's over to you now. Do you have what it takes to be a successful online marketer?
Saturday, September 29, 2018
Do You Suffer From Allergies You Need To Read These Tips
Allergies are an affliction faced by millions of individuals. The best way to combat the often, debilitating affects of seasonal and other types of allergies is to arm yourself with knowledge. Take the tips in this article to heart, and you will soon start to achieve real, lasting relief.
For many allergy sufferers, it is impossible to effectively treat symptoms on their own. When the effects of seasonal and other allergies become too much to bear, it is wise to seek the assistance of a medical professional. By consulting with a specialist, you will have greater access to useful diagnostic tools and prescription treatments that would, otherwise, be unavailable to you.
Although it's common knowledge, many people forget to wash their hands when preparing food. Washing your hands during food preparation ensures that particles of allergy causing foods are not mixed with other non allergenic foods, which is essential if you are preparing meals for multiple people and not all of them have allergies.
Slow down. When you find yourself dealing with pet allergies, you may initially be distraught and think you have to give up a beloved pet. The truth is there are many ways to deal with this type of problem without losing your loved one. Talk to a medical professional to see what options you have.
If your child frequently complains of symptoms like a stuffy nose, or frequent sneezing, allergies may be to blame. Over time, these problems can make it difficult for your child to perform well in class, or reach their full potential. In these cases, allergy therapy may produce a marked difference in the way your child feels, and behaves.
Change your air filter regularly if you suffer from allergies, at least once every three months and more often during peak allergy season. Your air filter collects dust, dander, pollen and other irritants. If you change it, you remove those items from your home and keep it from re-circulating into the air.
Avoid clutter, especially in the bedroom. If you suffer from allergies, you should strive to keep your bedroom as free from clutter as possible. Since you likely spend anywhere from six to ten hours per day in bed, it is crucial that this area is as allergen-free as possible. The less clutter you have, the fewer places there are for dust, and other irritants to settle.
Wear a mask when you are cutting the grass or working in the yard. Things like grass cuttings and pollen can contribute to allergy problems, making you feel miserable. Make sure to cover your nose and mouth to avoid exposing your sinuses to these problems to reduce the onset of problems.
Invest in an air purifier. An air purifier, especially in the bedroom, can help make a person with allergies much more comfortable. These units circulate air similar to a fan, while filtering out dust and other air pollutants. For the best results, look for a unit that features a HEPA filter.
Allergy symptoms may be making your little one miserable and irritable, but that doesn't mean he's necessarily ready to take liquid medications without a fight. If your child complains about the taste, ask a pediatrician or pharmacist if you can mix the medication with fruit juice to mask the taste.
There is no doubt that suffering from allergies can be a frustrating, irritating experience. However, it is not necessary to go without help. If you apply the guidance in this piece in your everyday life, it is, indeed, possible to keep allergies at bay and resume living the life that you truly desire.
Get Help
For many allergy sufferers, it is impossible to effectively treat symptoms on their own. When the effects of seasonal and other allergies become too much to bear, it is wise to seek the assistance of a medical professional. By consulting with a specialist, you will have greater access to useful diagnostic tools and prescription treatments that would, otherwise, be unavailable to you.
Although it's common knowledge, many people forget to wash their hands when preparing food. Washing your hands during food preparation ensures that particles of allergy causing foods are not mixed with other non allergenic foods, which is essential if you are preparing meals for multiple people and not all of them have allergies.
Slow down. When you find yourself dealing with pet allergies, you may initially be distraught and think you have to give up a beloved pet. The truth is there are many ways to deal with this type of problem without losing your loved one. Talk to a medical professional to see what options you have.
If your child frequently complains of symptoms like a stuffy nose, or frequent sneezing, allergies may be to blame. Over time, these problems can make it difficult for your child to perform well in class, or reach their full potential. In these cases, allergy therapy may produce a marked difference in the way your child feels, and behaves.
Change your air filter regularly if you suffer from allergies, at least once every three months and more often during peak allergy season. Your air filter collects dust, dander, pollen and other irritants. If you change it, you remove those items from your home and keep it from re-circulating into the air.
Avoid clutter, especially in the bedroom. If you suffer from allergies, you should strive to keep your bedroom as free from clutter as possible. Since you likely spend anywhere from six to ten hours per day in bed, it is crucial that this area is as allergen-free as possible. The less clutter you have, the fewer places there are for dust, and other irritants to settle.
Wear a mask when you are cutting the grass or working in the yard. Things like grass cuttings and pollen can contribute to allergy problems, making you feel miserable. Make sure to cover your nose and mouth to avoid exposing your sinuses to these problems to reduce the onset of problems.
Invest in an air purifier. An air purifier, especially in the bedroom, can help make a person with allergies much more comfortable. These units circulate air similar to a fan, while filtering out dust and other air pollutants. For the best results, look for a unit that features a HEPA filter.
Allergy symptoms may be making your little one miserable and irritable, but that doesn't mean he's necessarily ready to take liquid medications without a fight. If your child complains about the taste, ask a pediatrician or pharmacist if you can mix the medication with fruit juice to mask the taste.
There is no doubt that suffering from allergies can be a frustrating, irritating experience. However, it is not necessary to go without help. If you apply the guidance in this piece in your everyday life, it is, indeed, possible to keep allergies at bay and resume living the life that you truly desire.
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Sunday, September 23, 2018
Friday, September 21, 2018
There is no other herb known to work with such a wide range of healing capabilities.
Nigella Sativa is commonly known as Black Seed or Black Cumin Seed. In Arabic countries, it is habbat as-sawda or Habbat ul barakah (the Blessed Seed). It is Schwarzkummel in Germany and Cörek Otu in Turkey. Other names are Black caraway, Black sesame, and Roman coriander. It is often called Black Onion Seed because of its similarity in appearance to onion seed but the two share no relation to each other

Nigella sativa is well known for its healing properties for thousands of years. The earliest record of it dates back more than 3300 years ago to the days of the Egyptian pharaohs. They believed the seed was a cure-all and important enough to accompany them in the after-life.
The black seed and the oil derived from it are considered to be functional foods. It is safe enough to be used as a home remedy for promoting good health and preventing disease. Moreover, it is powerful enough to treat almost all the chronic diseases affecting millions worldwide. No wonder the black seed has been described as a miracle herb.
The nutritional profile of the black seed is quite astonishing in its complexity. More than 100 different substances have were identified thus far. It is likely there are still more to get discovered. Black seed oil is a rich source of essential fatty acids, tocopherols and phytosterols. It also contains the antioxidants thymoquinone, carvacrol, thymol, p-cymene, anethole, and 4-terpineol.
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Fatty acid analysis of the major components of the extracted oil:
- 43% linoleic acid
- 17% oleic acid
- 9% palmitic acid
- 3% stearic acid
- 6% eicosadienoic acid (EPA)
- 5% eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA);
- 0.7% linolenic acid
- 3% docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
- 0.16% myristic acid
There are a total of 26 fatty acids in black seed oil. Among them, of which roughly 15% consists of 8 saturated fatty acids and 80% of 18 unsaturated fatty acids. The unsaturated FAs include linoleic acid (omega-6). Two important omega-3s, EPA and DHA, which are usually found in animal products like fatty fish. It also contains a form of omega-3 called eicosatetraenoic acid (ETA), which is rarely found in food at all.
Omega-6 and omega-3 are essential fatty acids because your body can’t make them. They are the Predominant Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFAs) in our diet but we actually don’t need a lot of them. Unfortunately, due to processing, the western diet is full of PUFAs. These fats are fragile. When you consume too many of them, they make your cells fragile. Thus, they become vulnerable to oxidation.
The unusual combination of fatty acids in black seed oil is an antidote to oxidation. Along with the thymoquinone, the EPA, DHA, and ETA provide protection from a host of degenerative diseases. These disease are caused by chronic, low-level inflammation.
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It is a powerful natural antioxidant. It inhibits the formation of undesirable prostaglandins and free radicals. It is anti-inflammatory and has a pain killing effect. It also has a choleretic effect (stimulates the production of bile). It is good for fat metabolism and detoxification.
It has a bronchodilating effect, it is protective against asthma attacks.
It inhibits the secretion of histamines. It could be a true alternative to cortisone-based therapies for certain allergy sufferers.
Thymoquinone helps fight the negative effects of a bad diet, alcohol, pharmaceutical drugs, and environmental pollution– all of which generate free radicals.
Excess Free Radicals = Oxidative Stress, Which Can Lead To:
- cataracts
- heart disease
- weakened immune system
- Parkinson’s disease
- rheumatoid arthritis
- Alzheimer’s disease
- strokes
- diabetes
- cancer
Black seed oil is comparable to Borage and Primrose oil as it contains high essential fatty acid. Both omega-3 and omega-6 are precursor molecules necessary for the production of prostaglandin E1. E1 is an important hormone-like substance that is one of the chemical regulators involved in inflammation, immune function and many other biological processes. Prostaglandin E1 is vital for regulating and harmonizing the immune system. It calms an overactive one (allergies, asthma) and strengthens a weak one so that it can tackle infections and chronic illnesses. It increases peripheral blood flow. It helps with bronchodilation, and has many other protective functions within the body.
Black seed oil is thus edible medicine, providing the body with the principal building blocks it needs to stay healthy. The thymoquinone, further supports the anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory, and secretagogic effects of prostaglandin E1.
Bronchodilatory, it has an antispasmodic and warming effect. So it is good for respiratory disorders such as asthmaand whooping cough. Research has also confirmed it has anti-histaminic qualities comparable to thymoquinone.
Has strong cleaning properties and is used as a laxative and for destroying parasites. It is suitable for treating parasites in infants whereas most other herbal remedies would be too extreme. For example, wormwood, a common herbal treatment, is effective but unsuitable for the sensitive.
Promotes the absorption of nutrients from food. Stimulates appetite, aids, digestion, promotes intestinal cleansing and facilitates bowel movements. It increases secretion and is considered mucolytic and expectorant, providing liquefaction of bronchial secretions and quick removal of bronchial mucous.
Known for lowering cholesterol levels and for its anti-tumor and anti-carcinogenic activity.
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The body needs it to use oxygen and for the metabolism of amino acids, fatty acids, and carbohydrates.
Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
It is one of the B complexes. It plays an important role in helping the body convert carbohydrates and fat into energy. It is required for normal growth and development. It helps to maintain proper functioning of the heart, nervous, and digestive systems.
It is one of the B complexes. It plays an important role in helping the body convert carbohydrates and fat into energy. It is required for normal growth and development. It helps to maintain proper functioning of the heart, nervous, and digestive systems.
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Another B complex, essential for the breakdown of fats and protein. It maintains muscle tone along the digestive tract. It promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.
Another B complex, essential for the breakdown of fats and protein. It maintains muscle tone along the digestive tract. It promotes the health of the nervous system, skin, hair, eyes, mouth, and liver.
Selenium, an essential trace mineral, is antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-bacterial. It reduce risks of cancer, prevents blood clots, and inhibit chromosome damage. It is also said to counteract toxins and heavy metals. People with higher selenium blood level have less mortality from cancer.
Selenium, an essential trace mineral, is antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-bacterial. It reduce risks of cancer, prevents blood clots, and inhibit chromosome damage. It is also said to counteract toxins and heavy metals. People with higher selenium blood level have less mortality from cancer.
B-Carotene is converted by the liver into vitamin A, a vitamin known for its anti-cancer activity.
Arginine, or L-arginine, a semi-essential amino acid, is required for many metabolic processes. It boosts the immune system, improves blood flow and reduces erectile dysfunction. It also stimulates the release of growth hormone and insulin.
Make up the protein content of the black seed, including all nine essential amino acids. Essential amino acids cannot be synthesized within our body in enough quantities. Thus, it is required from our diet.
The Black Seed is also a source of calcium, iron, sodium, and potassium. Only required in small amounts by the body, these elements’ main functions are to act as essential co-factors in various enzyme functions.
Black seed oil performs an amazing number of distinct pharmacological actions in the human body. It has such a broad range of activity and supports so many biological pathways. There there isn’t an organ or system in the body that is not affected positively by the black seed oil. It has been shown to be:
- Analgesic: Relieves or reduces pain.
- Anxiolytic: Reduces anxiety.
- Anthelmintic:(also known as vermicide or vermifuge) Destroys and expels intestinal worms.
- Anti-bacterial: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria.
- Anti-inflammatory: Destroys or inhibits the growth of destructive bacteria.
- Anticancer
- Anti-ulcer: Helps replenish mucus content in the stomach wall.
- Antihistaminic: Relieves allergy symptoms by suppressing histamine
- Leukotriene Antagonist: anti-inflammatory bronchoconstriction preventors.
- Antioxidant: Prevents or delays the damaging oxidization of the body’s cells . It is particularly useful against free radicals.
- Anti-cholinergic: inhibits parasympathetic nerve impulses, reducing spasms in smooth muscles eg. muscles in the bladder
- Anti-spasmodic: Prevents or eases muscle spasms and cramps.
- Anti-tussive: Relieves/prevents a cough.
- Antifungal: Thymoquinone is a highly effective photochemical against molds and fungi.
- Antiviral: Enhances activity of natural killer cells, and helper and suppressor T cells.
- Antiparasitic
- Antimicrobial: Inhibits both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.
- Carminative: Stimulates digestion and induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach and the intestines.
- Bronchodilator: Loosens a tight chest to make breathing easier
- Interferon Inducer: Stimulates the production of interferons. They are released when the body encounters pathogens like tumor cells, viruses, bacteria, and parasites.
- Spasmolytic: Relieves smooth muscle spasms.
- Diaphoretic: Induces perspiration during fever to cool and stimulate the release of toxins.
- Diuretic: Increases urine production and excretion of water. Helps clean the body’s fluids.
- Emmenagogue: Stimulates bile and aids in the digestive process.
- Galactagogue: Stimulates the action of milk in new mothers.
- Anti-hypertensive/Hypotensive: Reduces excess blood pressure.
- Tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitor: Inhibits tumor angiogenesis and tumor growth
- Gluconeogenesis Inhibitor/Insulin-sensitizing/Anti-diabetic
- Immunomodulator: Helps to restore normal immune function from either underactive or overactive.
- Lymphatic decongestant: Decongests the lymphatic system, therefore unburdens and improves the immune system.
- Gastro-protective: Protects lining of the stomach
- Hepatoprotective: Prevents damage to the liver
- Renal-protective: prevents damage to the kidneys
- Hypoglycemic: Contributes to improved blood sugar control.
Black seed oil (aka nigella sativa oil, kalonji oil, black cumin seed oil) is a true panacea. It is the closest you can get to a universal remedy. It help with your bones, skins and hair. It also helps with your mood, sleep quality lymphatic and immune systems, circulation. Other than that is have good benefits on your lungs, digestion, kidneys, and liver. Not only does it help prevent the disease from taking hold but it helps you fight and you may already have. In other words, it is both prophylactic and curative. It is effective in combating old diseases like the flu and also modern complex ones like MSRA, metabolic disease and cancer.
How can this be? If you compare with Allopathic medicine, this all seems far-fetched because drugs very seldom have more than one target. If you have pneumonia, you will get one drug but if you have malaria, diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s or arthritis, you will get a specific drug or drugs for each condition. There are no cure-alls in modern medicine, yet. Despite the specificity of the treatments, there are always side effects.
Black seed oil is exquisitely different and multi-talented, without toxic side effects. Nobody knows why it works on so many different levels but there are clues. It effectively addresses inflammation (the common denominator in many disease states). It also supports our own immune systems (you cannot get or stay well without a strong immune system).
Even modern science acknowledges the many black seed oil benefits. There are 820 articles on Nigella sativa oil that have been published examining its effects on 185 diseases. Black seed oil is a potent natural healer.
Some of the conditions and diseases proved by research to benefit from the blessed seed oil:
- Allergies & hay fever
- Allergic rhinitis
- Amenorrhea & irregular menstruation
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Autoimmunity
- Boils & carbuncles
- Breast Cancer
- Colon and other types of Cancer
- Cancer
- Candidiasis
- Cardiovascular complications
- Chemical weapons injury
- Colds and flus
- Colic
- Constipation
- Coughs
- Depression
- Diabetes type 1 & 2
- Diabetic nephropathy
- Diarrhea
- Digestive and gastrointestinal problems
- Dry Skin Conditions
- Edema
- Epilepsy
- Hair loss
- Headaches
- High Blood Pressure
- Hormonal issues (PMS)
- Hypertension
- Hypothyroidism
- Insomnia
- Infections, including the deadly superbug, MSRA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)
- Intestinal parasites
- Kidney & bladder disease
- Leukemia
- Liver & gallbladder problems
- Memory impairment, mental fatigue, lethargy, confusion
- Metabolic Syndrome
- MS
- Muscle cramps & spasms
- Nasal congestion
- Nausea
- Neurotoxicity and Neurodegeneration
- Obesity / weight loss
- Opiate addiction/withdrawal
- Osteo-and rheumatoid arthritis
- Pain (osteoarthritis, back etc.)
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Sinusitis
- Skin problems – bruises, burns, injuries, wounds, acne, eczema, neurodermatitis
- Toothaches
- Tumors
- Ulcerative colitis
- Weak immune system

We can mix the black seed oil in other drinks to make a health tonic. You can also consume it raw (not more than 2-3 teaspoons a day) or mixed with honey or yogurt. We can also apply the oil for skin wounds, infections, and inflammatory conditions. For respiratory infection relief, we can also use it as a chest rub. You can even use it for steam inhalation. You can add a small amount of black seed oil in a bowl of boiled water and breathing in the vapor.
The most important health benefit of black seed oil is to support the immune system. Even though it is known as a cure-all, it doesn’t really cure anything. It enables your body to cure itself by being able to operate its own immune system effectively. It helps if your immune system is under-active like frequent colds and infections. It also helps when its overactive as in autoimmune diseases and allergies. Ihas powerful anti-inflammatory properties that sustain health at the deepest levels.
A healthy immune system helps you to fight cancer cell, obesity, diabetes, arthritis. It helps in almost any other chronic condition you care to name.
Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Finding an effective treatment is critical because diabetes impairs many organ systems. The WHO estimates more than 376 million people will be diabetic by 2030. About two billion will be at risk of developing the disease. This would be because of their diet, obesity, and lack of exercise. Lifestyle and food choices help prevent 30–40% of most diseases. Concentrating on a healthy diet, good quality sleep and exercise are all important.
Adding a functional food like black seed oil can help Diabetics in many ways. It will immediately improve their micronutrient levels. It will also provide the anti-inflammatory and immune boosting support they need. Modern drugs only target increasing insulin or reducing blood sugar. Whereas, black seed oil supports the entire body. Metformin is one of the safest and most commonly prescribed drugs for diabetes. But, it still does not treat the underlying cause of the disease. Also, it causes side effects like heartburn, bloating, muscle pain, indigestion, and diarrhea.
Black seed oil either treats or prevents all these side effects. It also found to be as effective as metformin in improving glucose tolerance. This is an important news for the millions of diabetics around the globe.
The black seed oil is one of the few substances that is helpful for both type1 and type2 diabetes. Researchers from the Indian Council of Medical Research reported that Black seed treatment causes “gradual partial regeneration/proliferation of pancreatic beta-cells. It also decreases the elevated serum glucosean. It increases the lowered serum insulin concentrations.”
The lymphatic system is the garbage disposal system of the cells. It helps to clear the damaged Cells. Along with it also clears toxins, bacteria, viruses and metabolic wastes. It is also responsible for delivering nutrients to cells. It maintains the fluid balance in the body. It is a crucial part of the immune system. When it gets overwhelmed, the garbage backs up. This leads to edema, swelling, inflammation, fatigue. Sometimes aches, pains in joints and muscles, infections, arthritis and possibly cancer.
Taking black seed oil supercharges the lymph system. Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties help to do so. This lightens the load of the lymph and allows it to better perform. One of the many duties is that it contributes to keeping us healthy and resisting disease. An efficient lymphatic system nourishes every cell in every organ of the body. So you can see, yet again, how the influence of the fabulous blessed seed oil reaches to every corner of your system.
No home should be without black seed oil. It can help to prevent a myriad of diseases if you take it daily. It is the first aid, it can calm every burn, sting, bump and bruise, as well as helping improve skin condition and provides pain relief. It also helps lose weight, improves your liver health, reduces inflammation. Its a true herbal medicine for almost all cures.
The side effects of Black seed oil are mild and rare. There is occasional allergic skin reaction when topically applying black seed oil and consuming it excessively. If you take one or three teaspoons of the oil every day you will be well within the safe dose. There was a study – Acute and chronic toxicity of Nigella sativa fixed oil. The Study concluded that Nigella sativa has low toxicity show evidenced by high LD50 values, key hepatic enzyme stability, and organ integrity. It suggests a wide margin of safety for therapeutic doses of Nigella sativa fixed oil.”
Please note that it is not suitable during pregnancy.
This essential oil is usually in dark yellow or amber in color. It is present in form of black seed oil capsules or plain seeds. It is important that when you buy pure and organic black seed or its extracts, the product should be authentic and pure. The market is full of second-grade products. You can buy 100% genuine black seed oil from our shop with the money back guarantee
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By Sandi Hunter / Alf W Osterberg To be a successful online marketer, like yourself to being a dog chewing on a bone. That means gnarling ...
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